

Hello I’m Toul,

I started Small Business Cybersecurity Co. to keep cyber criminals from forcing you to close your small business. In the past small businesses didn’t need to think about cybersecurity but that is not the case anymore.

In fact small businesses are being attacked by cyber criminals at a higher rate than fortune 500 companies with the average cyberattack costing a small business 300,000 USD– A death blow for many as most are forced to close within a few months after being attacked.

It should not be like this, with Small Business Cyber Security Co. you’ll get access to the same cybersecurity knowledge used to protect fortune 500 companies from cyber criminals.

Don’t take just my word for it check out my published security articles for HP :

and cybersecurity certifications:

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start with your cybersecurity journey then I recommend having a look at the Security Checklists as your starting point.




We also have some great Cybersecurity Templates that you might find useful as well.